Road Show
Stephen Sondheim began work on a musical based on the book The Legendary Mizners (The true story of Addison and Wilson Mizner’s adventures from the beginning of the 20th century during the Alaskan Gold rush to the Florida real estate boom in the 1920s) in 1953. Who would’ve thought it would take fifty-five years, multiple workshops and productions, long lasting multi-million dollar lawsuits and counter-suits (finally dismissed by the New York Supreme Court), many cut songs and rewrites, adding and removing characters, several different casts and three additional titles (Gold!, Wise Guys and Bounce) before finally, in 2008, at The Public Theatre in New York and under its final title, Road Show, it officially became Sondheim’s most recent show. And another five years of letters and phone calls before we could obtain the rights to proudly bring it to you as the final show of our 2014-2015 season!