Trance Thompson

All the world’s a stage… so find your light!

About Trance

Having spent his life on various stages, in innumerable studios, on TV and in film, performing in tons of productions and working with top level talent all over the globe, Trance is still excited to have the opportunity to grow and learn and take on new challenges on, off and backstage. His love of the performing arts is boundless and has provided him with the honor of exploring the human condition and bringing both intimate and epic stories to light. Trance has expanded on this exploration by creating his own shows and characters with his very own production company.

MTG Show Credits

MTG Show Credits

Fun Facts

Fun Facts

I'm proud to be an MTG member because

Through art and community we can change everything.

Dream Role

Bobby in COMPANY

Favorite Role I Have Played

Colehouse in RAGTIME

My Favorite Musical


Favorite MTG Show I Have Been In


Funniest / Most Memorable Thing That's Happened to Me on Stage

Falling -- leaping really -- into the orchestra pit during the Rumble while performing in WEST SIDE STORY. Landing in/on the percussion section was most certainly the least convenient and unquestionably noisiest place I could have ended up!

Languages Spoken

English, Spanish

Special Skills

Tap Dancing, Singing, Producing, Studio Session Vocalist, Sight Reads Music, National Anthem Vocalist, Us Southern States, Vocal Coach, Various Accents, Play Piano, Dj'ing, Swimming, Musician, Director, Music Director, Arranger, Audition Coach, Beatles Fan, Singer – 3 Octave Range, Voice over, Choreography, Great Musical Theater Mover

Private Lessons

Contact Information

Contact Info

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